Friday, January 27, 2017

CJA and associates 419 plan lawsuits IRS audits Complaints | Scambook

CJA and associates 419 plan lawsuits IRS audits Complaints | Scambook

1 comment:

  1. The IRS started auditing § 419 plans in the 1990s, and then continued going after § 412(i) and other plans that they considered abusive, listed, or reportable transactions, or substantially similar to such transactions. If an IRS audit disallows the § 419 plan or the § 412(i) plan, not only does the taxpayer lose the deduction and pay interest and penalties, but then the IRS comes back under IRC 6707A and imposes large fines for not properly filing.

    The IRS has initiated audits of hundreds of taxpayers with captive insurance companies and is also examining practitioners that are assisting CICs with compliance. For those businesses and practitioners found uncompliant with IRS standards, the consequences are severe and could include understatement and negligence penalties, as well as potential unwinding of the captive formation and loss of important tax benefits.
    For those seeking to protect their CIC, don't wait until the IRS starts an examination to ensure you are up to code.

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    Lance Wallach speaks and writes about benefit plans, and has authored numerous books for the AICPA, Bisk Total tape, and others. He can be reached at (516) 938-5007 or For more articles on this or other subjects, feel free to visit his website at

    Lance Wallach, the National Society of Accountants Speaker of the Year, speaks and writes extensively about retirement plans, Circular 230 problems and tax reduction strategies. He speaks at more than 40 conventions annually, writes for over 50 publications, is quoted regularly in the press, and has written numerous best-selling AICPA books, including Avoiding Circular 230 Malpractice Traps and Common Abusive Business Hot Spots. He does extensive expert witness work and has never lost a case. Contact him at 516.938.5007 or visit
